League Rules


All league members must acquaint themselves with the USGA Rules of Golf and any local course rules, in addition to observing proper golf etiquette. Except where noted in these local Playing Rules or in the league Bylaws, or amended by local course rules, the rules of the USGA shall apply to all league play. The USGA rules of play may be found at the USGA website at www.usga.org. All league members shall be responsible for knowing the USGA rules of play, reference USGA Rule 1, and familiarizing themselves with these League Playing Rules.

Order of Play

USGA Rule 6.4 paragraph b, stipulates that in stroke play after starting a hole, the player with the ball farthest from the hole shall play first and play “ready golf”. This means you are both allowed and encouraged to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way.

League Rule and intent – In the interest of speeding up league play, we strongly encourage the use of 'ready golf' whenever possible while still adhering to the 'agreement' exemption in the rule.

Preferred Lies

League Rule and intent - League members may elect to play “winter rules” in their own fairway by marking the position of their ball, lifting, cleaning and placing the ball without penalty on a spot within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard or on a putting green.

The league rule is intended to modify USGA rule 9, requiring the golfer to play the ball as it lies. The intent of this league rule is that it be an option for a member on whether to leave the ball and “play as it lies” per the USGA rule, or to use the league rule permitting the member to attain a preferred lie. This league rule is included to counter poor public course fairway conditions.

Out of Bounds

League Rule and intent - For balls hit out of bounds league members may elect to play by taking a drop at the last known (in bounds) position of the ball with a one stroke penalty. This drop shall be along the flight path of the ball within two club lengths of the last known in bounds position, i.e., where the ball crossed the playing boundary (thus treating out-of-bounds as a lateral hazard).

The league rule is intended to modify USGA rule 18.2 which requires the golfer to play the ball from the spot where the original ball was last played with a one stroke penalty (thus penalizing both a stroke and loss of the distance). Either the USGA rule or the league rule above may be elected by the member. That is, for example, if the golfer hits out of bounds from the tee, the subsequent shot may be taken from the tee with a one stroke penalty (USGA Rule), or from the area where the ball went out of bounds with a one stroke penalty (optional league rule).

Lost Balls

League Rule and intent - 1) There shall be a three-minute time limit on looking for a lost ball. Failure to locate and identify a ball as one’s own within this time period shall deem it as Lost.

League Rule and intent - 2) Under a one-stroke penalty, golfers may elect to drop and play from the approximate location where the ball is deemed to have been lost, so long as that point is not out of bounds. If there is reasonable evidence that the ball was lost in bounds but into an area such as a tree line or field of long grass (as might typically occur around the perimeter of a course), the drop shall be on the line of flight within two club lengths of the point where it crossed into the area.

The league rule is intended to modify USGA rule 18.2 which requires the golfer to play the ball from the spot where the original ball was last played with a one stroke penalty (thus penalizing both a stroke and loss of the distance). The intent of the league rule is not to force a member to play from within a treed area, but rather permits the option of playing on the line that it entered, or from the spot where the ball was last played per the USGA rule.

League Rule and intent - 3) After failing to locate a lost ball, after dropping and hitting a replacement ball, should the original ball be subsequently located in bounds, the original ball shall be deemed to be in play and the previous one-stroke penalty ignored.

The league rule permits playing without penalty the original lost ball if it is found in bounds after dropping and hitting a replacement ball.

Sand Traps

League Rule and intent - In the event that a ball comes to rest in a footprint or other irregularity within a sand trap, the ball may be lifted, the sand raked, and the ball dropped in its original location without incurring a penalty. This rule is not to be used to improve lies caused by the shot itself when it entered the trap (i.e. buried or partially buried lies), nor to improve the lie if the ball ends up back in the divot of your shot (or your footprint) taken in the trap.

A ball coming to rest in casual water within a sand trap may be moved out of the water and dropped elsewhere within the sand trap, no closer to the hole, without penalty. In the rare event that the entire sand trap is flooded, the ball may be dropped outside of the sand trap at the point of closest relief, no closer to the hole, without penalty and with the consent of one’s playing partners.

The League Rule is intended to provide the league member with the lie in the trap that would have been reasonably expected had the sand trap been properly raked before playing the shot. Raking and dropping the ball is intended to provide such a lie as playing on public courses all too frequently one finds the trap has not been raked and is full of footprints in which the ball comes to rest.

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

League Rule and intent - League members shall not play from Environmentally Sensitive Areas designated as such by the Course (typically designated by a green stake with a red top), and are encouraged not to enter and search for balls therein. The League Rule is intended to keep the area natural and undisturbed. When a member’s ball comes to rest within a designated environmental area, a replacement ball shall be dropped one of three ways:

Dropped on the line of flight within two club lengths of where it is deemed to have entered the designated area; or

Dropped back at the point from where the shot was taken that caused the ball to enter the designated area; or

Dropped along the line of flight from the point at which the shot was taken to the point where it entered the designated area provided that the drop is no closer to the hole than where it entered the designated area.

For members of A-flight a one stroke penalty shall be assessed. For members of B-flight or C-Flight no penalty shall be assessed (a free drop).

For league tournament play sponsored Guests will be assessed a one stroke penalty.

The League Rule is intended to keep the area natural and undisturbed. Note that the drop of the ball is to be on the line of flight from the point of entry into the Environmentally Sensitive Area and NOT laterally to the side of the environmental area that is adjacent to where it landed within the area.

Maximum Strokes

Weekly Play

League Rule and intent - The maximum number of strokes permitted on a hole during weekly league competition shall be limited to double par (6 strokes for a par 3, 8 for a par four, 10 for a par five) for members of B-Flight or C-Flight. After reaching double par, the league member shall pick-up (discontinue play for the hole) and score a double par for the hole. Members of A-Flight shall not have their maximum score limited.

The league rule is intended to modify USGA rule 3.3b requiring you to record the correct score. The intent in limiting the maximum score that may be attained on a hole is to keep play moving in flights where higher scores may frequently occur.

Tournament Play

League Rule and intent - For all league members and their guests the maximum number of strokes permitted on a hole during tournament stroke play competition shall be limited to double par. After reaching this designated maximum number of strokes, the golfer shall pick-up (discontinue play for the hole) and score double par for the hole.

The league rule is intended to keep play moving during tournament play. This stroke limit rule applies to all flights in tournament play (including A-flight members) so that all members playing in designated groups for prizes will be playing by the same stroke maximum, regardless of the flight to which they belong (that is A-flight members and B-flight members, for example, may be playing together in tournament competition, versus weekly flight play in which all members belong to the same flight).

Aeration Holes

League Rule and intent - A ball that comes to rest in or on aeration hole on the putting green may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation, without penalty.

The league rule is intended to modify USGA rule 14.2 on lifting and marking the ball. Note that a ball coming to rest in or on an aeration hole in the golfer’s own fairway may be dealt with using the league Preferred Lies rule above.

Temporary Greens

League Rule and intent - When playing a hole that has a temporary green, once inside the marked boundary of the temporary green, the player may either pick-up assessing the hole with two putts or the player may attempt to make a single putt. If the single putt is holed, one putt is scored, else the player picks-up and scores two putts.

The League Rule is intended that no more than two putts shall be assessed on any temporary green.


League Rule and intent - Conceding an opponent’s next stroke (“Gimmies”) is not permitted in league play.

Late for Tee Time

League Rule and intent - Should a member be absent at their assigned tee time during weekly play, a member from a foursome with a later tee time may move up to fill the space created by the missing member. Should a member arrive late for their assigned tee time they may play with a later assigned foursome if there is room. Alternatively, members arriving late for their designated tee time shall be permitted to join their foursome already in play if permitted by the course, without penalty.

The league rule is intended to modify USGA rule 5.3a, time of starting, which provides for disqualification for missed tee time. Note that by joining a foursome in progress the member may have one or more unplayed holes after completing the ninth hole. In this instance the member may be permitted by league rule to complete the unplayed early holes on the course (along with another member of the league to verify the score) if so permitted by the course, without penalty. Should the course not permit the member to complete the unplayed holes, the league President shall determine whether the round shall count, and if so, shall determine an estimated score for each unplayed hole.

Tee Markers

League Rule and intent - League members shall choose their tee-markers prior to the first round and play from the same color tee-markers for the entire season. Members are encouraged to choose their tee-markers in the spirit of the USGA Tee It Forward program.

Players with average driving distances less than about 200 yards should consider playing from the yellow/gold tees.

Players with average driving distances between about 200 and about 250 yards should consider playing from the white tees.

Players with average driving distances over about 250 yards should consider playing from the blue/black tees.

  • Note that the USGA course handicap calculation includes provisions for normalizing for players playing from multiple tees. In general, the course handicap will be lesser for shorter yardage tee boxes.

** The intent of this rule is to have members play from distances commensurate with their playing abilities. The elected officials reserve the right to override a player tee choice (by majority decision) if they believe a player is trying to gain an unfair distance advantage by playing from a shorter yardage.

The League Rule intent is to define at which tee boxes league members are permitted to play, require members to notify the league and do not allow members to switch tee boxes for play throughout the course of the season.


League Rule and intent - Scorecards shall be completed with the first name or initial, and last name, of the playing league members and all of the scores totaled. Scorecards shall be signed and dated by the league member marking the card, with validation indicated by the signature of another playing flight member from the foursome. Scorecards shall be submitted to the flight scorekeeper following each week’s round. Scores found to be in error by the scorekeeper shall be corrected without penalty and the league member involved notified.

The league rule is intended to modify USGA rule 3.3b, by permitting the scorekeepers to correct scoring errors without disqualification / penalty.

Distance Measuring Equipment

League Rule and intent - The USGA now considers all distance information on the course to be public knowledge, and permits the establishment of a local rule to allow the use of electronic distance measuring equipment (Laser and GPS range finders.) Equipment which provides guidance above and beyond distance (e.g. wind speed, elevation angles) is still prohibited. Devices which comply with the USGA guidelines for tournament play will be allowed for all weekly and tournament league play.

The League Rule intent is to establish the required local rule allowing the use of distance measuring equipment, and to clarify which electronic measuring devices are permitted and prohibited for League play.