League Bylaws


The purpose of the BWI Golf League, herein called the “League”, shall be to provide seasonal golf competition in weekly and tournament play during non-working hours.


All employees and retirees of the company, as well as members of their families and sponsored friends, are eligible for membership, subject to an overall membership limit dictated by availability within the league flights.

The number of available openings will be offered first to returning league members from the previous season that are in good standing with the league, followed by company employees who were former league members in good standing, and then new applicants seeking membership in the league – first current company employees, then company retirees, and finally to family members and friends of current league members. The number of new family and friends considered for membership per flight may be limited at the discretion of the Golf Committee.

Upon application for membership to the league, timely payment of registration dues and fees, and the proper establishment of a handicap, new members shall attain membership status subject to availability within the league flights per the above stated order.

Any established member who misses weekly play more than seven times during a season for any reason other than health may be considered ineligible for membership the following season by the Golf Committee.

League Organization

a) Weekly Play The league will consist of Diamond Ridge Golf Course (DR) and Timbers at Troy Golf Course (Timbers) division. Each division shall be divided into one or more flights. Flights shall be designated by the league President based on the level of play (A-Flight, B-Flight, or C-Flight), with A-Flight being the highest skill level. Golfers shall elect which course to play for the upcoming season when applying for membership. League members shall be assigned for play into a flight (course and night of play) by the league President.

League play shall begin in April with the season planned for a minimum of 18 weeks of weekly play. The beginning and end dates of weekly play for each season shall be determined by the league President.

League members are expected to participate each week in the flight play. League members when unable to play are required to give advance notice of cancellation to their flight scorekeeper. See Weekly Play section below, Tee Time Reservations / Notification of Missed Play.

b) Tournament Play Tournament play will be scheduled throughout the season for competitions independent of the league weekly play. Tournament play shall be an optional activity for league members. Guests may participate in foursomes along with sponsoring league members if permitted by the Tournament Manager.

c) Annual Banquet The Annual Banquet is an event held at the conclusion of the season, chaired by the league President, consisting of a dinner and meeting at which the election for the Golf Committee for the next season occurs, league issues are discussed, and league prizes/awards are distributed. The league President shall determine the agenda for the Banquet. Topics deemed significant by the league President will be included in the meeting portion of the Banquet so that the league general membership may provide input with the intent that these opinions would be considered by the Golf Committee when establishing the league Playing Rules and Bylaws. The annual Banquet shall be an optional activity attended by league members.

Weekly Play

League weekly play shall be based on 9-hole rounds of competition. Each flight shall be scheduled for play on a particular day during the week throughout the season (as on Tuesdays, for example). Competition shall be based on league members of the flight playing stroke format against the field of the other members in their flight.

Members must play with a minimum of one other member of their flight in the foursome to validate the submitted score. Scoring shall be on an individual player basis (there are no team competitions).

Scoring for the week shall be based upon ranking players in a flight by their respective net scores (raw gross score shot minus current league handicap) attained during play that week. The player with the lowest net score shall be awarded the most points for the week; the player with the second lowest net score shall be awarded the second most points; and so on, with the player shooting the highest net score being awarded the least amount of points. A player missing league weekly play accumulates no points for that week’s play.

Standings within the flight shall be achieved by rank ordering the players based on the number of points accumulated throughout the season. Up to 14 scores shall be included in the player’s seasonal total. When a player participates in more than 14 weekly competitions, the 14 highest points awarded throughout the season shall be used, with the lowest point values in excess of the 14-count limit discarded.

League members shall be required to play in their assigned foursome in the “block” of tee times utilized by the flight.

The League President shall have the authority at his discretion to transfer the weekly play for the members of a flight from the normally scheduled course to another course for a given week. This is intended to allow, for example, members of a flight at Diamond Ridge to play at the Woodlands on a defined week. This is not intended to permit individual league member(s) to play separately from the other main body of members of their flight.

The flight scorekeeper shall be permitted to revise the playing foursomes during the tee time period at the course to accommodate, for example, unexpected absences of members. Golfers may elect to ride a power cart or walk when participating in league weekly play.

Tee Time Reservations / Notification of Missed Play League members shall notify their flight scorekeeper a minimum of 7 days in advance when it is known that they will be unable to participate in upcoming weekly play so that the Course may be notified and the league tee time reservations modified thus avoiding penalty charges with the Course.

For those occasions when it is determined by the league member with less than 7 days’ notice that they will be unable to participate in upcoming weekly play, the league member shall still notify the flight scorekeeper. If the flight play is at a course (such as Diamond Ridge) where penalties may be charged by the Course for missed reserved tee times, the league member shall attempt to find a replacement golfer to participate so that no penalty is charged by the Course to the league for the missed payment of greens fees. Play by a replacement golfer shall not count towards the league member’s statistics but shall only serve to pay the Course the planned greens fee.

League members missing scheduled weekly play without giving the required 7 days cancellation notice and without finding a replacement golfer such that planned greens fees remain unpaid to the Course shall be subject at the discretion of the league President to payment to the league up to the price of each missed greens fee. Payment of this penalty shall be taken by the league Treasurer from the league member’s escrow account, any league winnings that the member may be due, or charged to the offending league member. In addition, to protect the good standing of the league with the Course and to avoid the cancellation of the contract between the league and the Course, League members with repeat violations of missed tee times and missed greens fees payment to the Course may result in dismissal from the League at the discretion of the league President.

Holidays For those occasions in which the regularly scheduled day for league weekly play falls on a legal holiday (Memorial Day, Independence Day “Fourth of July”, or Labor Day) league play will be canceled. The league President will determine the planned playing schedule throughout the season.

Inclement weather For those occasions of inclement weather, if the course is closed the day’s league play is canceled and is not made up. If the course remains open, the flight scorekeeper (or an alternate appointed by the scorekeeper should the flight scorekeeper be unable to play) shall coordinate with the Course to determine if the weather is too inclement to begin play and notify the flight. In general, unless advance cancellation notice is given by the flight scorekeeper, the league members should travel to the course and plan to play such that a decision may be made at the course in coordination with the pro shop at the time of the reservations on whether to begin play.

In the event play is begun at the course but players are unable to finish, in the scorekeeper’s judgment, because of inclement weather (such as lightning or darkness), the following scoring shall apply. If all the league members participating that day do not complete at least six holes, then the play shall be deemed canceled and not be made up. If the participating members all complete six or more holes, the play shall count. Holes completed by a member shall be scored as played. For those holes not completed by a league member, an estimated score for the un-played holes shall be assigned which is calculated automatically by the league spreadsheet.

In the event a league member decides not to participate in weekly play because of inclement conditions the non-participating member is awarded zero points. Similarly, should a league member who has started play decides to quit participation (due to inclement weather or course safety conditions, or for other reasons) while the scorekeeper continues play for the flight, play shall count for the participating members with the withdrawing member awarded zero points for the week. It is at the discretion of the league member to determine whether to participate in league play, thus making the member subject to league scoring rules impact and possible financial impact due to their missed play.

League Handicap Indexes

Handicap indexes for established league members shall be based on their last ten rounds of weekly league play, utilizing the average of the 5 best “Adjusted” scores.

Established league members will carry over their previous rounds of weekly league play results to be used in calculating the handicap for the next season of play. Only weekly league flight play shall be used to update a member’s handicap, tournament play results will not be counted towards revising a member’s league handicap.

New members shall be assigned a starting league handicap index by the league President. The starting handicap shall be based on information supplied by the new member to the President for evaluation. This information may include scores of previous play, an existing handicap established in another league, an existing USGA handicap index, or indication of general scoring ability by the new member. The new league member’s handicap will then be adjusted over their first ten weekly playing rounds at which point they will be computed as fully established league members. The President shall have the authority at his discretion to retroactively adjust new members starting league handicap index and rerun the weekly play results.

Tournament Play

Tournament play is based on 18-hole rounds of competition. Playing format of each tournament (as individual stroke play, Captain’s Choice, two-man team) and rules for the tournament will be determined by the Tournament Manager and approved by the League President prior to the conduct of the tournament.

As in weekly play, league members must play along with a minimum of one other league member in their foursome to validate the submitted score. Tournament play is an optional activity for league members. If a foursome is permitted to play composed of one league member and three guests, the play of the league member is not validated and the member shall not be eligible for tournament prizes or award.

Inclement weather For those occasions of inclement weather, the Tournament Manager in conjunction with the league President and the Course shall be responsible for determining whether the event is canceled or whether play should begin. Once play is begun the Tournament Manager shall be responsible for determining whether to continue league play, and if play is halted as for a rain delay whether to subsequently continue play.

In the event a tournament is started but a full 18-hole competition is not completed and further play is canceled, the following shall apply. If all the golfers participating that day do not complete at least nine holes, then the tournament play shall be deemed canceled with regard to the award of tournament prizes. For those competitions in which at least 9 holes are completed by all the tournament foursomes, the Tournament Manager in consultation with the league President shall determine the tournament results and award prizes. Results will be based using the available scores, and may include other factors as their estimate of scores for uncompleted holes if they so choose.

In the event an individual league member elects to leave on their own without having completing 18 holes of tournament play, such as during a rain delay, when the tournament competition is subsequently continued or completed (i.e. is not officially canceled by the Tournament Manager), the withdrawing member shall be ineligible for the tournament prizes, except for single special-hole competitions such as Closest To the Pin and Long Drive in which they had competed. Tournament play shall count for the participating tournament members. As in weekly play, the individual golfer is responsible for determining if the course weather is too inclement or unsafe for play.

League Prizes and Awards

It shall be the responsibility of the President to determine the flight prizes and tournament prizes to be awarded each season, and the rules and restrictions on the winning of prizes and awards.

Flight prizes will be awarded to league members based on league weekly play. At a minimum, the following prizes will be awarded: For each flight, a prize shall be awarded for the Lowest Gross and the Lowest Net round shot by a flight member during league weekly play for the season. Winners of Low Gross and Low Net round competitions shall be awarded to different participants (i.e., a member cannot win both prizes). In the event of ties, the prize award shall be split among the tying members. Prizes shall also be awarded in accordance with the final flight standings based on points earned throughout the season; a minimum of 25% of the members in good standing within a flight shall be eligible to receive these prizes based on their standing in the flight. A prize shall also be awarded to the member of a flight attaining the Lowest Gross Average for weekly play throughout the season (with a minimum of 12 weeks participation).

Tournament prizes will be awarded based on tournament play. The Tournament Manager will determine the tournament prize competitions and approved by the League President prior to the conduct of each tournament. Members shall be divided into groups for the tournament prize competitions by the Tournament Manager based on his assessment of their playing ability. At a minimum, Low Gross and Low Net prizes will be awarded for each grouping of league members. Winners of Low Gross and Low Net competitions shall be awarded to different participants (i.e., a member cannot win both prizes for a given tournament).

New league members shall be ineligible to win Low Net weekly and Low Net tournament competitions until they have established a league handicap based on play of a minimum of 5 weekly league rounds.

An award shall be presented to any league member shooting a hole-in-one during league play (weekly or tournament play).

The League President will distribute the flight and tournament prizes to members in attendance at the annual Banquet. Members not attending the annual Banquet may contact the league Treasurer after the Banquet to arrange for pickup of awards or prizes due them.

Voting Privileges

Each league member in good standing is eligible to vote in the annual election of officers, held at the annual Banquet, and in any special elections called by the Golf Committee. Payment of league dues and all fees prior to an election and participation in the current season of play (with no more than seven missed rounds of weekly play in the current season) shall constitute membership in good standing for voting privileges.

The Golf Committee

The Golf Committee, elected by the general membership of the league and comprised of the following three league officers, shall be the governing body of the league.

President Treasurer/Secretary Tournament Managers

In addition to the above elected officers, a scorekeeper shall be appointed for each flight by the League President, and Tournament Managers shall be appointed for the weekend tournaments by the League President. The elected Golf Committee officers in addition to the appointed scorekeepers shall constitute the league’s Full Committee.

Committee Duties

a) President

The league President shall have overall responsibility for the league.

The league President responsibilities shall include forming and organizing the league itself, assigning league members to play in flights, contracting if necessary with Courses for league seasonal advance tee time reservations, determining award and amount of league prizes, arranging for and conducting the annual Banquet and any special elections, and for conducting any meetings of the Golf Committee. In addition, whenever deemed necessary by the President, the President shall arrange a meeting in which the Full Committee (the other 2 members of the Golf Committee and the flight scorekeepers) are invited to attend and to discuss issues relevant to the league.

The President is responsible for generating and updating the league Playing Rules and Bylaws. In addition, along with the other two officers on the Golf Committee, the President is responsible for governing the league with regard to rulemaking and interpretation of the league Playing Rules and Bylaws.

b) Treasurer/Secretary

The Treasurer/Secretary (herein call the Treasurer) shall be responsible for all league finances. This shall include the writing of checks for payment of all league debts including course reservation fees, deposits for tournament reservations, tournament fees, Banquet reservations, Banquet fees, Banquet prizes, and weekly and tournament prizes awarded to the league membership.

In addition, the Treasurer shall make the submission of the request for league subsidy to the company and account for the disbursement. The Treasurer shall submit a detailed annual accounting to the league membership of said finances at or following the annual Banquet, but no later than November 1st each season. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the filing of any league financial statements.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for notifying the league membership of all meetings or special events. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the recording of minutes at the annual Banquet, league meetings and special events. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the reading/discussion of the minutes at the league Banquet.

Along with the other two officers on the Golf Committee, the Treasurer is responsible for governing the league with regard to rule making and interpretation of the league Playing Rules and Bylaws.

c) Tournament Managers

The Tournament Managers shall be responsible for scheduling, organizing and arranging their league tournaments including signing league contracts with courses to secure tournament reservations. The Tournament Manager shall be responsible for notifying the league membership of the details regarding upcoming tournament competitions via generation of tournament announcements including the course, date, price, guest eligibility, format of play, and member prizes. The Tournament Manager shall determine the prize competitions to be played, on which holes special competitions will occur if any, and setting out the flags as necessary for the special-hole competitions.

The Tournament Manager shall collect the tournament scorecards from the members, review the scorecards to ensure their accuracy, arrange for the collection of the flags for any special-hole competitions, determine the Tournament prize winners, and notify the league members of the tournament results.

Along with the other officers on the Golf Committee, the Tournament Chairman is responsible for governing the league with regard to rulemaking and interpretation of the league Playing Rules and Bylaws.

d) Scorekeepers

The Scorekeeper shall assign the members of their flight into foursomes for weekly play and assign a tee time for the play of the foursome. League members shall play at their assigned Course on their assigned day of play in the block of tee times reserved for the flight play (not playing, for example, at a tee time earlier in the day).

Scorekeepers shall be responsible for the collection and recording of all league play in their respective flights and for the computation of standings within the flight as well as member’s individual handicaps. The scorekeeper shall provide a weekly score sheet to members of the flight including gross and net scores shot, weekly points earned, standings within the flight, and new handicap.

Flight Reservations

Flight scorekeepers at Timbers at Troy shall be responsible for obtaining and updating with the Course the tee time reservations for play throughout the season for the league weekly play of their flight.

Flight scorekeepers at Diamond Ridge G.C. shall utilize contracted league tee times obtained for the play of their flight. The flight scorekeeper shall be responsible for notifying the Course seven days in advance of scheduled weekly play the number of tee time reservations that will be needed for play the following week. Notification to the Course shall be written in the form of email with CC notification to the league President. Scorekeepers shall also be responsible for recording which league members of their flight did not give the required seven-day notice for the canceling of upcoming tee times without arrangement of a replacement substitute, and notify the league President.

League Rules of Play / Bylaws

The Golf Committee shall vote upon a written set of league Playing Rules and Bylaws. The Playing Rules shall govern the league weekly play and, unless otherwise notified by the Golf Committee, all play at tournaments as well.

The Golf Committee, by a majority vote, shall be the final authority on the interpretation of the league Playing Rules and Bylaws, considerations not specifically covered by the league Playing Rules and Bylaws, and in the settlement of all league disputes.

Awards to the Committee

As compensation for their services to the league, the Full Committee shall: 1) Receive a credit to their account for dues for the year of play 2) Receive a seasonal award of one box of golf balls (minimum of 12 balls).

Registration - League Membership Dues, Reservation Fee and Escrow

Membership Dues

The annual dues for league membership for each league member shall be $60.00 (sixty dollars).

Reservation Fees

Fees for payment of advanced tee time reservations may also be charged by the league to the members. Contracted reservation fees paid or committed to be paid to the course are not refundable to the League member should the member drop out of the League during the season.

Escrow Deposit

In addition, members may also be required to pay an escrow fee to the league as guarantee for charges against a member missing a scheduled tee time and payment of the associated greens fees to the Course. Escrow fees remaining on deposit in a league member’s account at the end of the season will be returned to the league member.


Registration of returning league members for the upcoming season shall begin in February. This will permit the league President to fill openings in flights with new members by early March. Dates for the beginning and end of league registration will be determined by the league President.

The league President shall identify the amount of Membership Dues, Reservation Fees, and Escrow Deposit required for play at each Course from each league member for league registration.

Registration payment including league Membership Dues, Reservation Fee and Escrow Deposit as applicable, shall be payable by league members at least three weeks prior to the start of league play. Members with league dues and fees remaining in arrears beyond the second week of weekly league play shall become ineligible from participating in league weekly and tournament play while the dues and fees remain unpaid. The league will not make refunds of league dues and fees once the season begins.

Greens Fees, Tournament Fees and Banquet Fees

Greens fees

Greens fees for league weekly play shall be paid directly to the course by the golfer, or their substitute.

Tournament Fees

The Golf Committee shall establish the price charged by the league for golfers participating in league tournament play. League members and guests may be charged different prices. Tournament fees shall be paid by the league member for themselves and their sponsored guests to the league when due as indicated in the tournament announcement. League members signing themselves, or guests, up to participate in league activities and then not paying the associated fees shall be considered in arrears with the league and may be suspended from participating in weekly flight and tournament play until paying all fees that are due for the League member or their guests. The league will not make refunds of tournament fees that have been paid, or forgive fees owed to the league, if the golfer or sponsored guests are subsequently unable to attend a tournament for which they had indicated they would participate.

Banquet Fees

The league President and the Treasurer shall set the price charged to the league member for attending the annual Banquet dinner. Banquet fees shall be paid by the league member to the league when due as indicated in the Banquet announcement. League members indicating they will attend the Banquet and then not attending may be charged the price of their entire Banquet cost (both the League’s contribution and the member’s portion) paid by the league.


Employees electing to participate in league activities are to be responsible for the proper accounting of their time. Specifically, caution is to be exercised to ensure that time associated with participation in league events are recorded in a manner consistent with company charging and record keeping procedures.


The Company provides limited financial support for the league. By providing financial support, The Company is not sponsoring the golf league recreational activity. Attendance or participation in the league by members is entirely voluntary, and such activity does not arise out of or in the course of employment with the Company. Each participant (both the members of the league and their guests) assumes all risks in connection with attending and participating in league recreational activities. The Company, the league, the Golf Committee and flight scorekeepers shall not be liable for any damage or injury arising therefrom. League members and their guests agree to abide by the league Bylaws and Playing Rules in consideration of their participation with the league.